Several breeders asked me to make a post about my methode for tail correction on Serama. I took the time for taking pictures as manual for a step by step procedure.
Here is how to get a wry tail straight.
No cutting or surgery needed. Just an ordinary support will do!
What means orthopedic? Here is the definition:
The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments.
Same can be used for animals. In case of a wry tail on serama this orthopedic support will prevent the bird from wors as an untreated tail might turn into a twisted pelvis.
I will explain with pictures step by step.
In the first picture a bird who's tail is bending over to one side. In most cases this is simply due weak tailbone muscles at early age.
This is what we need: flexible Electric wiring and a cutting plier. The gauge of the wire.
To make the procedure visual i used a dead chicken.
Here we go!
Bend the start of the wire into a curve in a larger diameter the base of the tail.
Then proceed by making a full turn.
Warning:do not make it to tight neither to loose!It needs to stick at the tail base. But do not obstruct the bloodflow!!
Proceed making a second turn.
Make it at least 2 full rings as it needs to spread open later.
Next, cut the wire.
OK, the wiring is finished.
Now we need to spread the rings open on the side of the tail which is pinching. We open the ring in order to push the tail to the opposite side untill the tail is standing straight up again.
Lets see how this detail looks on a live bird.
This is the wanted result!
It might happen that you might adjust this procedure the next day as the bird will arrange it's feathers and the support might loosen up a little.
Also check the tail skin for unnatural colouring. In that case it is obvious that the support was made to tight.
Remove and repeat the next day.
The support has to stay put untill the tail muscles are strong enough to hold the tail up by itself. Check every 2 weeks for for birds younger then 2 months and every 4 weeks for birds older then 2 months, this as long as needed!
Thanks for watching and happy tailing :)