maandag 13 april 2015

Photo's Serama contest May 3th 2015 @Donk-Maldegem

Pictures of our show Poermolen @Donk.

And then this happened

The winning team

as always we had a great encounter
Thanks & congratulations to all
Your Serama-guru John

maandag 6 april 2015

Serama contest May 3th 2015 @Donk-Maldegem

Intrance is behind the building of the upper picture.

Follow this sign on the right side of the building.


Dear member

It’s with great pleasure that we invite the members of our club to the international Serama competition of 2015. Everybody welcome!

This event will take place on Sunday May 3th 2015 from 10.00 till 14.00.

Save the date! Location:

De Poermolen
Paardekerkhof 1
9990 Maldegem-Donk (België)
+32498302334 (John Benoot)

Subscription for Serama judging (max. 4 birds per participant):
Members: € 5
Nonmembers: € 10

Visitors of the event (price per person):
Members: free of charge
Nonmembers: € 2,50

We offer several possibilities for lunch on the spot.
Thank you for notifying us of your presence or absence before 01/05/2015 via .
This is an Malaysian style event, so bring your cages or benches for using during the event.
Of course, we hope for an enjoyable meeting and that we can welcome you all! And do not forget NCD vaccine papers.

There will be eggs available + some birds for sale.

Kindest regards,

John, Katrien & Folkert.