dinsdag 23 juni 2015
Serama event July 5th 2015 @Moere
Dear member
It’s with great pleasure that we invite the members of our club to the international Serama judging of 2015.
Everyone welcome!
This event will take place on Sunday July 05, 2015 from 10.00 till 14.00.
Doors open only from 9:30 am! Save the date!
Cultureel Centrum
Molenstraat 30
8470 Moere (België)
Directions to the event: click here
+32498302334 (John Benoot)
Registration of animals for inspection:
Members: € 5.00 per 4 animals
Non-members: € 10.00 per 4 animals
Visitors to the event (price per person):
Members: Free
Non-members: € 2.50 (children under 12 free)
We offer several possibilities for lunch on the spot.
Please notify us of your presence or absence before 03/07/2015 to folkert@seramaclub.be.
Dear members, the possibility birds vaccinating for NCD is canceled as there were not enough entrees.
Of course, we hope for an enjoyable meeting and that we can welcome you all!
Kindest regards
Seramaclub Belgium
Katrien, Folkert, John
maandag 22 juni 2015
Seramakeuring Moere 5 Juli 2015
Beste serama liefhebber,
Het is met veel plezier dat wij u en de leden van onze club uitnodigen op de internationale Serama-keuring. Iedereen is welkom !
Deze gaat door op zondag 5 Juli 2015. Vanaf 10u tot 14u.
Deuren openen pas vanaf 9u30 !
Hou deze datum alvast vrij in jullie agenda !
Adresgegevens :
Ontmoetingscentrum Moere
Molenstraat 30
8470 Moere (België)
Route link : GOOGLE MAPS
+32498302334 (John Benoot)
Inschrijving dieren voor de keuring :
Leden : 5,00€ per 4 dieren
Niet-leden : 10,00€ per 4 dieren
Bezoekers van het evenement (prijs per persoon) :
Leden : gratis
Niet-leden : 2,50€ (kinderen tot en met 12 jaar gratis)
Wij bieden ter plaatse enkele lunchmogelijkheden aan.
Verder zijn er leuke prijzen te winnen en gelegenheid tot aanschaf van dieren en eieren voor leden.
Gelieve uw deelname aan de keuring te bevestigen vóór 03/07/2015 via folkert@seramaclub.be.
Katrien, Folkert, John
zaterdag 20 juni 2015
We are at a point where we can tell the difference bewteen halfbloods and pure breds.
But most important of all, work together like a team! The ones who wants to be "THE BEST", will stay behind alone!
Some think showbirds are the best breeding-birds,, if you do, you got it wrong!
The best way for breeding nice birds is to share eggs, exchange breeding-birds with genuine colleague breeders.
Just make sure when exchanging breeding-birds that your birds might be considered lost. Not everyone is on the same page. They say whatever you wanna hear...from the moment they got what they want... they'll smash the door in your face!
I experienced it several times. But everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's all a learning process...And the challenge is only getting bigger.
I'm fortunate enough to be surrounded with a lot of genuine people "serama-breeders".
We don't envy each others birds...but...we enjoy each others birds.
Have a nice day...
dinsdag 9 juni 2015
maandag 8 juni 2015
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