dinsdag 9 december 2014


Zammeke is one of the new bloodlines in our Serama farm and providing very promising offspring. Even when mating to 50% Iserama I daughters a certain chicks really show typey features.

Daughters of Zammeke mated to Iserama I twins.

Another Sibling

Here as a small Chick

Following pictures are pure bred Jetstar offspring.

Another sibling

Some older siblings

Mature siblings

maandag 17 november 2014

Serama judging Rheinberg Germany.

Serama contest pictures at the Rheinberg poultry exhibition, Germany. Thanks to all participants for making it a great show. My congratulations for the organizers.

Serama corner

Judging roosters

Final round 'Best of Best' category roosters

Judging hens

Final round 'Best of Best' category hens

BOB category Roosters & Hens

The prizes

Serama family :)

And we all went home again.

maandag 3 november 2014

Poultryshow Angora Bruges

Koninklijke Angora Kleinveeclub Brugge vzw

The board of the Seramaclub Belgium with Public relation: Jean-Serama

Showbirds from Seramaclub-member Jean.